We at Classic Mangoes bring to your doorstep the Mouthwatering Homely-Blended Pure Frozen Mango Pulp (Aamras) from the bucket of mango varieties which include: · Devgad Ratnagiri Alphonso (Hapoos) Mango Pulp · Devgad Ratnagiri Payri Mango Pulp · Devgadh Ratnagiri Kesar Mango Pulp
Benefits Of Devgad Ratnagiri Hapoos Alphonso & Payri Mangoes
Eat ClassicMangoes Devgad Ratnagiri Hapoos & Payri Mangoes With 8.7 PH to 11.5 PH To Beat Corona Virus Disease. This is to inform us all that the pH for corona virus varies from 5.5 to 8.5. **RESEARCH: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY,
Geographical Indication Certified Classic Enterprise Brand ClassicMangoes For Alphonso Hapoos
Geographical Indication Certification For Alphonso Hapoos For Sindhudurg Devgad Ratnagiri & Konkan Area. One would have heard of intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks and design. Geographical Indication is also now a part of it. Alphonso Mangoes in accordance
Vijaydurg Fort
Sindhudurg district is a fortune to have Devgad taluka with an ancient fort Vijaydurg, near the mouth of the Vaghotan River, It is located just 108 km to Devagad via MH SH4 Coastal Highway from Ratnagiri, The land of Hapoos
Sindhiudurg District, located in Maharashtra in India. The Arabian sea on the east side makes the climate moist and humid throughout the year. It is surrounded by Belgaum and Goa on the South and the Ratnagiri district,the lend of word
The Mango, The National fruit of India, The King of Fruit, most popular fruit we can say. The Mango also stands for love and friendship In India.It says that 5000 thousand years ago mango first grow in India and its
Ratnagiri , City Situated in the area of Konkan Area, Maharastra, Western India, located on the coastline of Arabian Sea. Most of the land in Ratnagiri is hilly. Sahyadri’s mouth of all river of Ratnagiri.[River Sahyadri’s mouth that is, it
Devgad Rains
Here is a glimpse of the mango orchards and farmlands of the Devgad and Ratnagiri regions during the rainly season:
Can Mangoes Help You Lose Weight?
A question that many people ask is ‘Can I eat mangoes and still lose weight?’ ……