The Mango, The National fruit of India, The King of Fruit, most popular fruit we can say. The Mango also stands for love and friendship In India.It says that 5000 thousand years ago mango first grow in India and its seeds travelled from Asia to Africa America and all around the world. More than 500 varieties of mango are found in India. Only some of them give double crop other ripen in summer. Most popular mango is Alphonso, commonly known Hapoosh or Hapus, Kesar, Daseri Langda, Neelam Badami and many more, Hapoos [hapus] – Alphonso is called king of all
mangoes because of its very reach in term of sweetness and flavour. It mainly grows in Ratnagiri, Devgadh Vijaygadh of Maharastra region. No one like any other mango variety once he or she tastes Hapoos [Hapoosh or Hapus or Hafus]. Known by an array of names, Alphonso mango is also labelled as Hapoos [Haphoos, Haphus, Hapus]
Across the Indian subcontinent.
The orange pulpy fruit has got varieties ranging from Alphonso Hapoos to kesar, from Payri to Langro, from Dasheri to Badami and the list goes on. Nicknamed as King of Mangoes, Alphonso hails its sweetness and creamy pulp from the soils of Devgad and Ratnagiri, Konkan Area located in the state of Maharashtra.
It is an easy catch to identify it with a slight red tinge on top of the fruit. Its exotic aroma and rich flavour can drive a mango lover head over heels.
How to Take Care of Mango and Choose Ripe Mango
- When you buy or received mango box it highly recommended that one should take care with good precaution.
- As soon as you receive the box, take out all the mangoes and put them in open air for 30 mins.
- After 30 Mins repack them in order of their colour, green ones at the bottom and yellowish at the top. Repeat this process daily. This will prevent the mangoes from turning black.
- Do not cut the mangoes as soon as you receive them.
- Let them ripen, turn little yellowish and softer with a sweet smell. If you cut them before time, they will taste sour.
- Do not refrigerate the mangoes. Keep them packed in hay at room temperature.
- Once they are ripened, and ready to eat, you can put them in the fridge to increase the shelf life or for two hours before cutting them
Grading of Alphonso Hapoos [hapus/hafus] is done on the basis of weight and And not according to size.
The Quality , Taste and color of Mangoes aqcross grades remain unchanged. Each Mango is graded strictly as per its weight . Following is the Chart of Grades of Devgad Ratnagiri Hapoos Alphonso Mangoes.
Grade 1 from 290 to 325 gms
Grade 2 from 270 to 290 gms
Grade 3 from 230 to 260 gms
Grade 4 from 200 to 230 gms
Grade 5 from 170 to 200 gms
Grade 6 from 150 to 170 gms
Grade 7 from 130 to 150 gms
How To Cut Mango Hassle free If you have bad has experience about running juice when you try to cut ripe mango. Here are hassle-free cutting tips for you.
- Use the cutting board to cut the mango.
- Mango has a big sized seed in middle You have to cut it vertically as close as possible to the seed.
- Slice the mango from all four side.
- Now put vertical and horizontal cut to slices, be careful, don’t go through the skin of the mango.
- Hold the mango slice and slowly press it down to pop up out mango flesh.
- You can also use your knife to remove the skin from mango slice.
- You can also peel the mango with Y-shape peeler and then cut it in slices Incredible Health Benefits of Mango.
- One medium size mango contains 3 grams of fibres which is very useful to digest food.
- Its fibrous flesh act natural carbohydrate blocker which keep blood sugar stable.
- Regular use of mango also controls your cholesterol.
- The mango has natural fat buster called Phytochemicals which prevent Weight gain.
- One mango contains full of Vitamin C, Vitamin A you need for a day.
- Mango is also rich in B6 and other Vitamins B which helps our thyroid glands to work in proper order.
- Our nervous system and muscles can be relaxed by magnesium content in the mango.
Eat Alphonso hapus and be happy and keep yourself healthy