Ratnagiri , City Situated in the area of Konkan Area, Maharastra, Western India, located on the coastline of Arabian Sea. Most of the land in Ratnagiri is hilly. Sahyadri’s mouth of all river of Ratnagiri.[River Sahyadri’s mouth that is, it starts from Ratnagiri] Hapoos Alphonso [Hapus as also Called} is the main cultivated fruit from Ratnagiri and is famous for one of the best variety of mango in terms of sweetness and flavour called Alphonso mango. Alphonso is also known as hapus or hapoos. These mangoes are very reached in nutrition and as well as aroma and test. The red roky lend and moderate climate of Ratnagiri and Konkan Area gives superior varieties of the Alphonso Hapoos Mangoes {Hapus} Ratna Durg fort is situated on the outskirt of Ratanagiri, Maharastra.
The Bhagwati temple and a lighthouse s are in it. The fort look likes a Horseshoe. The fort was built during the Bahamani period. Shivaji Maharaj won the fort in 1670 from Adi Shah of Bijapur. The fort gives you superb view of the Arabian sea and sunset.
One of the Best Beaches in Western India And Konkan area Is Aarey Varey Beach on the Outskirts of the Ratnagiri City.